#1 Warehouses Tab
topIn this tab the user has the chance to decide that, for an item, the items transfer does not follow the “Production Orders Parameters” settings through the procedures connected to the production area but, on the contrary, relies on personalized settings. For example, if in the “Warehouse” and in the “Template” combos of the “Raw Material” section, the set warehouse and the set template are different to the ones set in the same section of the “Production Orders Parameters”, it means that when that item is picked for the production (through the picking list), the “Production Orders Release” or “Production Signal Recording” has to be picked from the warehouse set and by the means of the set template instead of values set in the “Production orders Parametrs” that have a general values for all the items except for those ones for which the user has set different values in this “warehouse” tab of the “MRP Parameters”.
BuildDate : 29 maggio 2013